

Promotional Shooting Experience


Seeing the set up for our promotional shooting made me feel really energized. The lights, camera, and music helped set the mood for a great shoot. I feel so honored to work with everyone and participate in such a grand event like Miss Chinese Vancouver! I have watched numerous past Miss Chinese Vancouver promotions and now I am behind the scenes getting filmed!

We have long hours of filming so we always have a make-up artist and hairstylist to fix our hair and make-up throughout the day.  I really want to thank everyone who stays with us 10 contestants during our long hours of promotional shootings and schedules which can be over 12 hours long! I am touched how everyone is so dedicated to doing the best at their job! You guys inspire me!  Without this amazing team we would not have such a smooth filming process!

Can’t wait for everyone to see the official videos and pictures!


悠長的拍攝過程中,整天我們都有專業化妝師及髮型師為我們整理頭髮及補妝。我十分感激所有團隊人員在宣傳拍攝日為我們十位候選佳麗連續不停,甚至超過十二小時的攝影工作。對他們擁有的專業工作態度及水準,十分感動,令我非常佩服。沒有這樣的專業團隊,我們拍攝過程絕對沒有那麼順利! 真是急不可待可以看到官方照片及錄影片段!

- No. 1 Bridget,  一號謝泳思

I love the hair and make-up for the promotional shoot! 

Contestant 1(Bridget) + Contestant 3 (Cathy) = Thank You (Our last name is Xie!)
候選佳麗1號 (Bridget) + 3 號 (Cathy) =謝謝

Contestant 1 (Bridget), 2 (Lettitia) + Alvin!
Thank you Alvin for fixing our hair throughout the day! 
候選佳麗1號 (Bridget),2號 (Lettitia) 及Alvin! 多謝Alvin整天負責整理我們的髮型。

Contestant 1(Bridget) + 4 (Ada) !
候選佳麗1號 (Bridget) + 4號 (Ada)