

Welcome ! I am Contestant #1 Bridget !


Hi everyone and welcome to my blog! I’m Contestant No.1, Bridget Tse! Although born and raised in beautiful British Columbia, I lived in Toronto for two years pursuing a post-secondary education in Dental Hygiene. I am currently working as a B.C. Registered Dental Hygienist at my father’s clinic in Richmond, BC. My interests are knitting and watching YouTube Vlogs. I also love Ragdoll cats and painting. Two of my biggest passions are oral health and pole dancing! Competing in the Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant has been a childhood dream of mine and it has finally come true. I believe success comes from positive thinking, taking chances, and doing your best no matter what the outcome is. Live life without regret – that is my pageant motto! Thanks to everyone at Fairchild for giving me this opportunity. I am contestant no.1 Bridget! 

大家好!歡迎瀏覽我的博客!我是侯選佳麗一號Bridget Tse 謝泳思。在溫哥華土生土長,其間曾在多倫多進修牙齒衛生課程。畢業後,任職於父親開設的牙醫診所。現在是一名註冊牙齒衛生師。我的興趣包括:針織,瀏覽Youtube的視頻博客,布娃娃貓及畫畫。尤其對有關於牙齒科目及跳鋼管舞最為熱愛!參選溫哥華華裔小姐是我小時候的夢想。現在終於夢想成真!我深信,成功必須要擁有正面的思想,懂得把握機會,竭盡所能,做到最好!我認為溫哥華華裔小姐需要內外兼優,品德及美貌並重。我覺得自己是一個很幸運的人,很感謝新時代電視集團給予我這個機會,我會好好珍惜!不負衆望!我是一號謝泳思。謝謝。