

Dental Study Club


As a Dental Hygienist, it is my professional responsibility to continue to learn and stay updated on current dental studies and technology. This month I attended a dental seminar hosted by a local dental study club.


Here I am with both Dr. Ng (Specialist in Oral Medicine and Pathology) and Dr. Kang (Specialist in Oral Maxillofacial Surgery).

我和Dr. Ng (口腔病理學專科醫生)和Dr. Kang(口腔外科專科醫生)

It was a fantastic lecture about Oral Disease “Lumps and bumps” I thoroughly enjoyed the presentation and learned a few new tips on what to look out for when my patient is in my chair. It is funny how dental professionals can still eat their dinner while looking at photographs of oral disease.

我參加了一個很有趣的,關於口腔疾病的講座。我在那裏獲益良多,將來為病人檢查時就可以學以致用。口腔疾病能夠發現,便可及早治療,完全康復的機會就更高。我發現了一件有趣的事 - 各牙醫們竟然可以一邊享受豐富的晚餐,一邊看牙齒和口腔疾病的照片,真是厲害

Delicious dinner buffet during the lecture.



- No. 1 Bridget,  一號謝泳思