♊ Press Conferences 記者招待會 & BC 婦女醫院發佈會
Press ConferenceThis was our first exposure to the media! We did our group dances, mini interviews with the emcees and catwalk. After all of that we took pictures with every sponsor and this reaffirm me how big of a production we are all part of! We will make you guys proud on show day in return of all the generosityCatwalk time!Working the half turn we learned in modelling class!BC Women`s Hospital Press ConferenceWe each shared a memorable story about our mother at the public press conference held at Aberdeen. However, no words can express the unconditional love I have for her. I am so grateful to have someone who's so selfless and supportive in my corner這張相是媽咪抱住五個月大的 baby Sophia 在 Stanley Park 影的Voting for Miss Friendship
Sitting pretty is not easy, it is a skillStanding pretty is also a skillAll smiles when we're all together!We were given the options to either get our makeup and hair done by a professional or do it ourselves for the 大城小聚 and 都市有約 interviews. I chose the latterThis year we are fundraising for the BC Women's Hospital to purchase a new ultrasound for their new NICU facility. You can support by purchasing tickets to our show at https://support.bcwomensfoundation.org/miss-chinese-vancouver-pageant-gala GOOD KARMA!!!
2015-11-29♊ Press Conferences 記者招待會 & BC 婦女醫院發佈會
2015-11-21TEA Talk
2015-11-11Picture Perfect! 我們的第一次拍官方照片!!
2015-10-22神奇的髮型和化妝變化! The magic of hair and makeup!
2015-10-08Pretty in PINK~
2015-09-28Allow me to introduce myself!