

Hair Makeover!


There was a lot of excitement and anticipation for today because the 9 other contestants and I will receive complete hair make-overs. I absolutely loved my hair make over!  Thank you Betty, Daisy and my hairstylist Kenneth for coming up with this amazing transformation.  I went from black hair with dark brown highlights to a beautiful light brown.  Do you think it looks great? 

今天我和其餘的九位候選佳麗都非常雀躍,因為我們每個人都會接受髮型的大轉變。我非常喜歡我的新髮型!衷心多謝,Betty, Daisy及我的髮型師Kenneth為我作出髮型上的新突破。我頭髮從黑色配有深咖啡色的挑染變成美麗的淺咖啡色。各位覺得漂亮嗎?


- No. 1 Bridget,  一號謝泳思